

 Green foods vibrate with the frequency of nature and cultivate natural healing.

    Are you looking  for ways to improve your family overall health?  Your child’s…? Concentration, Learning, Nutrition, Attitude, Self-esteem and Behavior? Help with attention deficit disorder? Begin Your Health Journey With L.E.A.N Start Online For individual and Families today!



“When children eat the right foods, their parents and teachers notice an improvement in their school performance. These children are able to focus better, and they have fewer behavioral and attention problems at school and at home”.-Dr, William Sears


You and Your Family Will Learn:
A simple method for choosing healthier foods
The role breakfast plays in learning and development.
Easy ways to add more veggies and fruits to your meals.
The difference between healthy and unhealthy fats.
How to make play and movement, part of your families routine.
The power of protein
Why your body needs water versus other beverages.


 Get your personalized health consultation today from a certified health coach.


Wellness Consultation Courses:


L.E.A.N   Start is a program designed to help an individual or a family of children achieve a lifetime of wellness.


The ACRONYM L.E.A.N- Stands for Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition

It involves how we balance our lives These include our jobs, types of food we eat, how we spend our leisure time, how we sleep and how we manage the stress we experience daily as well as our spiritual life. A healthy lifestyle can be defined as a life filled with a  good relationships, good habits, and all other  activities that can make a positive impact on our overall wellbeing.

 The program is delivered in 6 unique sessions that focus on four pillars of health  

Lifestyle- How we live. This stands for a healthy lifestyle without unhealthy substances like excessive smoking and alcohol.

Exercise- How you move. Exercise is one of the healthiest ways to stay healthy. Any exercise is better than none.

Attitude- How you think. Improve your attitude by trimming down negative thoughts, and instead give out a bounty of appreciation, laughter, and crack some positive jokes with your loved ones and people around you every now and then.

Nutrition- How you eat. Eat the real pure food in other to keep your cells doing a fantastic job for your body.


The  only bad workout is the one that did not happen- Unknown

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Mother Nature Health Coaching. 

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